SkateSafe Policy Reminders
As we move into the holiday season, we want to call your attention to a few SkateSafe policies that are particularly relevant this time of year. Please make sure these are being put into practice and communicated at your club or program.
Gifting Policy: We've created this document to help our coaches, instructors, parents and other Adult Participants better understand what are acceptable and unacceptable gifting practices. These apply to holiday gifts as well as other celebratory gifts, so please be sure to review the guidelines before gifting anything to your Minor Athletes.
Quick Change for Ice Shows: Only athletes are permitted in locker rooms that are being used as changing areas. Even if an adult has completed SafeSportTM Training and a background check, they are not permitted to be in a space where unrelated Minors are in a state of undress. Some athletes need to quickly change from one costume to another due to their performances in a holiday show and we recommend the following options for those Minor Athletes who need assistance:
Wear a bodysuit under their costumes
Use pipe and drape sections for a parent to help their child get changed
Use a pop-up tent for a parent to help their child get changed
Use public restrooms for a same-sex parent to help their child get changed
Synchronized Skating Locker Rooms: Similar to ice shows, athletes may have a short timeframe to get dressed for their competition. While the coach, team manager and team service personnel (up to three adults total) are permitted in a designated team locker room prior to competing, they must remove themselves while any Minor Athletes are actively changing or undressing. If your team has young athletes who require assistance getting changed, we recommend they come to the competition dressed to compete, or utilize one of the other options we listed above for ice shows. You can find more information outlined on the team locker room poster.
This is a great opportunity to refamiliarize yourself with the SkateSafe Handbook! As a reminder, all Adult Participants (i.e., coaches, athletes, volunteers, club and program leaders, etc.) are required to report suspected child abuse and/or sexual misconduct to the U.S. Center for SafeSport and local law enforcement. Reports can be made to the Center here or by calling 833-5US-SAFE (587-7233). All other SkateSafe violations, such as emotional and physical misconduct or violations of the U.S. Figure Skating SkateSafe Handbook, can be made directly to U.S. Figure Skating here. As always, you can reach out to us with questions at skatesafe@usfigureskating.org or call 719-635-5200, option 6. Sincerely, U.S. Figure Skating SkateSafe Team John, Shelbi, Tim and Julie
U.S. Figure Skating, 20 1st Street, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906, United States