The Annual Meeting of the Hudson Mohawk Figure Skating Club will be held at the C+CC House just around the corner from the Chapel on Burdett Avenue, Troy, NY
Thursday, June 8 at 6 PM
President ‘s Report, Tommie Palladino
Secretary ‘s Report, 2022
Treasurer ‘s Financial Report, Solomon Chung
Reports from all Committee Chairs.
SkateSafe, Bobbi Hammond
Professional Report, Lauren Zell
Social Media, Kate Davis & Amy Strickland
Although the Club has a strong core of committed help there was no commitment from our membership to serve on the Board. Because of this, there will not be a proposed slate.
In accordance with HMFSC Constitution (Available online), there will be nomination accepted from the floor.
A vote may be cast for a person by writing in the name of the proposed person. The nominee must be a member of HMFSC and in good standing. Prior consent of the proposed nominee must be given by the member submitting the nominee.
Hope to see you on June 8th!